People First
In 2023, our dedicated workforce of 9,600 employees across Canada, the U.S. and the Caribbean played a pivotal role in delivering results for our customers and shareholders.

In 2023, our dedicated workforce of 9,600 employees across Canada, the U.S. and the Caribbean played a pivotal role in delivering results for our customers and shareholders.
The health and safety of our employees, customers, and contractors remain our number one priority. Once again, we outperformed the industry average for employee safety performance.
Maritime Electric received Electricity Canada’s 2023 President’s Award for Safety Excellence in Transmission, recognizing the utility’s top performance in injury/illness frequency and lost-time injury severity rates.
While Fortis utilities operate substantially autonomously, our teams are united by our purpose to deliver a cleaner energy future while continuing to provide customers with safe, reliable, and affordable energy.
In 2023, Fortis advanced learning, development, and connections among our teams. Subject matter experts from electricity and gas operations, safety, sustainability, technology, customer services, and more worked together to drive innovation, share best practices, and foster improvements to advance business strategies.
Fortis is focused on creating workplaces where employees are safe, respected, and have a true sense of belonging. Through events and education, we are building knowledge and understanding of different cultures and perspectives among our teams.
In 2023, we completed a company-wide inclusion and engagement survey, as an important step in understanding and benchmarking employee perceptions of inclusion.
Our utilities embrace the cultures of our employees and the communities we serve. ITC Holdings held a Culture Day to celebrate heritage and diversity. Through performances and activities, 19 employee cultures were celebrated.
In 2023, the Globe and Mail Report on Business Magazine recognized Fortis on the Women Lead Here gender diversity list for the fourth consecutive year. Learn more
Fortis utilities operate within the parameters of company-wide policies and best practices. Our governance is grounded in local leadership and independence with subsidiary boards consisting of a majority of independent local directors providing effective and independent oversight.
The Globe and Mail ranked Fortis number two among 219 public companies in Canada for good corporate governance in their annual Board Games. Learn more
We align with leading reporting frameworks, including the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standards. Our 2023 Sustainability Update Report details our sustainability strategy and summarizes progress on key performance indicators.