FortisBC will Invest Close to $700 Million to Reduce GHG Emissions and Lower Energy Costs for Customers

March 4, 2024

Woman and man standing near a heat pump


Reducing energy use is a key pillar in the company’s goal to lead the clean energy transformation in B.C.


FortisBC will invest a record $694.8 million to help customers reduce their energy use over the next four years, a key pillar in the company’s goal to lead the clean energy transformation in B.C. The investment will allow FortisBC to shift its efforts to more advanced energy-efficiency initiatives, build new energy-saving programs and work with Indigenous communities to develop targeted programs for their unique needs.


A key area will be developing programs for dual-fuel hybrid heating systems so customers can pair an electric heat pump with a high-efficiency gas furnace, ensuring they can access reliable, affordable energy on colder days while lowering their overall emissions.


“As the largest energy provider in British Columbia, we recognize the important role we play in reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” said Joe Mazza, Vice President of Energy Supply and Resource Development at FortisBC. “With this funding, we can support some of the most challenging but impactful ways to reduce energy use and help transform how customers use energy in their homes and businesses.”


This plan projects to lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by just over 740,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide over the life of these measures—a reduction equivalent to taking more than 228,000 passenger cars off the road.1 


Reducing energy use is a key pillar in FortisBC’s Clean Growth Pathway to 2050. This also aligns with the COP28 Global Renewables and Energy Efficiency Pledge, signed by Canada in September 2023, which aims to double energy efficiency globally. Learn more about this investment here.   


1Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator | Natural Resources Canada (